Fresh new designs - sneak peek

Here is some of the new stuff I’ve been working on the past months. I’ve been collecting stripes for a long time, so now I decided to focus a little bit on them. They are simple, goes with tons of different patterns and the most important thing is: It’s all about colors!
I uploaded some examples below and yeah I couldn’t help myself to stay completely away from my florals.
Hope you like it!

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    # by Paulinha Lima - June 12, 2009 at 2:41 PM

    Minha nossa! Quanta novidade! Vou ler tudinho! Parabens pelo site e pelo trabalho. Tá tudo lindo de morrer!!!!!!!!!!!

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    # by Sandra Romanoff - June 12, 2009 at 2:45 PM

    Thanks Paulinha! saudade! bjs

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    # by Anonymous - July 9, 2009 at 7:36 PM

    Wow, excellent work.
    Will keep my eyes around here.